These retreat days aim to address the often unexplored dimension of climate action: the personal dimension.

The urgent change we want to see in our world requires to partially remove the conditions that alienate us from feeling engaged and responsible for the Earth’s crisis.

In these gatherings we seek to create the emergence of new discourses, perspectives and social practices. In essence, we seek to reconnect ourselves back to our true nature : remembering our relationship with our planetary system.

When we pause, dare to slow down and open our senses as a group, we receive the space and agency to truly see what we seek to change and to make that transformation within ourselves. This too is climate action.


Circles of Reconnection & Inner Climate Leadership

When we allow ourselves to pause and to relax we can start listening more deeply to what is really going on. As we gain insight into our feelings and thoughts we widen our perspectives. Gaining new ways of seeing what and who we are are key to our inner peace. Without inner peace we cannot truely contribute to peace in the world.


Our wellbeing is in direct co-relation to the well-being with the Earth and vice versa. The environment that we seek to protect is as much inside of us as it is outside of us. So that when we take care to understand and listen to ourselves we are equally doing a service to the Earth. When we start to feel the truth of this, we understand our co-dependence and inter relatednenss with all of Life.

The truth is that we are interdependent with everything and everyone around us. We can understand this with our mental minds but the invitation here is to understand it with our embodied mind – to feel it. Only then can our conditioned behaviors of being seperate can dissolve.

The belief that we are in dominion of the earth, or above, or seperate. The belief that keeps us in the them v. us mindset. The belief that my life and input starts with my birth and ends with my death. Is false.

Allowing ourselves to slow down and be more mindful of ourselves allows us to start seeing things in anew light and therefore bring new light onto things.

If Life is to evolve our consumeristic industrial-growth society has to slow down, become more mindful. So that our everyday choices and behaviours become life sustaining and no longer life destroying.

To cultivate this much needed way of being we need to learn the skills of slowing down, paying attention, knowing how to take care of our inner climate (storms and floods) in order to be able to take care of the outer climate. The 2 go hand in hand. If we want to reverse the fast degradation of our planet we must become a conscious people – conscious that we are an integral part of this living system called Earth. This nature is our true nature. As it is within so it is without – this interconnectedness has to be felt by the body. It has to be re-membered into our Being.

As we make slowing down, feeling our breath, listening to our feelings and emotions a bigger part of our life we start to wake up to this truth. We start to wake up to the wonders of the world. And the wonders of our Mind.

We offer day long workshops and longer retreats to touch into the miracle of Mindfulness as a way of taking climate action from the inside out.

The Work That Reconnects

These are challenging times. Things in our lives and in the world feel like they are falling apart. How can we take all of this in and not fall apart ourselves.

 The works that reconnects is a group process developed by the amazing Joanna Macy that helps transform fear and despair into inspiration and empowerment. We experience our deep ecology, (are interconnected to the system of Life) and realize the potential we have to make a difference in the world, which in turn engages us in appropriate behavioral response to the realities we face.

The Work follows a spiral sequence flowing through four stages: gratitude, honoring our pain for the world, seeing new eyes our interconnectedness with all phenomena and finally going forth into action.

The participants engage in mindfulness and compassion practices to resource themselves, as well as playful interactive exercises, often outdoors,  in an atmosphere of communal support.

You will come away having done introspective work, grounding the body in mind, reconnect to active hope, strengthen your resilience and find clarity around how you can play a part in the healing of your community and our planet.

This group work is to strengthen our joy of living, inner wisdom and boost our confidence to take part in the healing of our world. This work invites the recognition of the law of reciprocity, between humanity and the Earth.

We can only truly participate in the caring of the world by caring for ourselves equally. Once we have embodied this realisation, that we are part of the living world and it is us, we find a renewed passion and love to mobilise us to play our part in the human and planetary crisis


Embodiment Practices

Nature Connection

Climate Leadership Retreats


Inner dimension work to accelerate systemic climate action

To Pause. To be present in our bodies is the starting point for us to connect to our true self. To others. And our true nature – Earth.

For more information contact me directly here

8 Week-Mindfulness meditation. Inner Sustainability for Outer Sustainability.

Monday Mornings. Starting in April 2023

module one circle of reconnection

Plum Village Tradition Teachings

Deep Listening and Inter-being are core teachings of the Plum Village founded by Venerable Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

When we see the world and others as extensions of ourselves, we can experience the law of reciprocity and interconnectedness that holds our vast web of life together. This gives us the confidence and support to live our values and purpose fearlessly.

module four circle of reconnection